バーチャル瀬戸 深川神社前

VirtualSeto324 views15 loves

やきもので有名なまち、愛知県瀬戸市からこんにちは! 瀬戸市そっくりな街をメタバースに再現しました。 バーチャルでもリアルでも瀬戸市に遊びにきてね! Hello! We are from Seto City, a famous town for its pottery industry in Aichi prefecture in Japan! Our fabulous vertural city similar to Seto City has been recreated in the Metaverse. We will welcome you when you visiting no matter the virtual or real place!!

Jailbreak Prison Run
Prop Hunt
Sniper Legends
Escape Lockdown

1 online

MCM Wearable Casa

2 online

King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Visit 庵 Community House(いおり)
Virtual Classroom
DONOR GALLERY | The Hip Hop Museum (THHM)
One Woman's 3D House for friends and coffee


1 online

ghost town
Stoopid Long Obby!
Spatial Avatar Store
Rainbow Obby
Kasama The Awakening

2 online

Inatel Campus
Star Wars Flight Simulator 2.0