The Green world

Laurent Leoncini11.2K views307 loves

The green world is a virtual city promoting art, music, and community. Its streets showcase vibrant murals and open-air galleries, while virtual singers fill the air with melodious tunes. Discussions spaces foster dialogue and respect, while green spaces remind of environmental responsibility. Together, residents strive for a better world built on love, peace, and sharing, making the green world a beacon of creativity and hope.

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Superbike Racing
My African Dream

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AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
jiraporn's Immersive Space
An NYC Summer Gallery by MJ Abiva
Vaccine Parade 2024
Shroom Worlds - Art Gallery 1
Galeria Suzue Crypto Gang
Galleria -Maro Dori in Tropical Forest-
One Woman's Metaverse Art Gallery

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Ruang Imersive Cikgu Lokman
Spatial Sample Game: Basketball
Radio Gallery III
Kasama The Awakening

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Stoopid Long Obby!