Squid game By Meta Vitrine

MétaVitrine56.7K views1K loves

Squid game by Meta vitrine is a space where you can have fun and get familiar with the metaverse by playing the bridge test, inspired by the original series

Release Date

February 20, 2023

Kasama The Awakening

3 online

Sniper Legends
Neon Ghost

2 online

Superbike Racing

2 online

Tokyo Kitty Drift🚗GameJam優勝スペース
IFM Paris - New Technologies & Metaverse For Fashion
Mars : 2084 - Départ / Start - Zone 1
Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Maro Dori Sky Palace  -麻呂鳥スカイパレス-
Prop Hunt

2 online

ghost town
Airbus 380
Buddy Blitz
Propagation House (phsds)
Rio's Gallery
MetaSkool Dead Town: EcoCity Quest
Corporate Office 2.0 by Thorium Labs