Sababa Auditorium

Sababa135 views5 loves

This auditorium was created to share expert speakers, and panels; have live discussions on relevant topics of today's world, the Web, social media, new technologies, and more. There is access to portals for experiential learning and opportunities to connect one on one for added support.

Punch Hero

9 online

Mostly Only Up!

1 online

Sniper Legends
Buddy Blitz
メタバースの実証実験キャンパス 17Campus
Irule02 / GAME
과학 그림퀴즈 공개용 by sciencelove
The Cultureverse
Café Joyeux 💛 Served From The Heart
Racing Empire

3 online

Spatial Avatar Store

3 online

Neon Ghost

1 online

Apex Street Racing

1 online

Room 1:  Mesmerized Group Art Exhibition

1 online

Tokyo Kitty Circuit / 東京キティサーキット

1 online

Cosmo Venue