Manuel Rossner3.5K views89 loves

Manuel Rossner's NEW FLOAT is a digital exhibition space with its main focus on presenting and discussing current developments linked to NFTs and digital art. The aim is to create experiences by giving digital art a native and immersive spatial context. Current Exhibitions are: “The World is Not Enough” and “Sleepover”.

Mostly Only Up!

2 online

Buddy Blitz
AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
Escape Lockdown

1 online

Jailbreak Prison Run
メタバースの実証実験キャンパス 17Campus
Murakami's - LV
NXT Venues ( Casino )
Meta Bomberman by MetaVitrine (BETA)
メタバースとよなか 中央エリア

11 online

Laman Utama UKM MetaMOOC
Desert of #CactusBoom | Community Home
Buddhaverse 2

2 online

King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Escape Game : Treasure Island - ENG
Irule02 / GAME
Merge Survivor: Zombie!

2 online