CJ Meta Events Island Office

CJ Meta Events110 views16 loves

Welcome to CJ Meta Events, the premier provider of Metaverse event solutions where we pride ourselves on our diversity and individuality As the first Metaverse event planning company in Spatial, we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly-evolving industry Our team of dedicated professionals is passionate about what we do and takes pride in being leaders in our community We look forward to creating unforgettable experiences for you and your Guiding your virtual experience

Lofi Chill with Ari

6 online

Spatial Avatar Store

3 online

King of the Hill. Multiplayer

2 online

Neon Ghost

1 online

Prop Hunt
Punch Hero

22 online

Merge Survivor: Zombie!

5 online

Kasama The Awakening

2 online

Jailbreak Prison Run

2 online

Sniper Legends

1 online

Galería de Artes UDLA

5 online

MetaSkool Dead Town: EcoCity Quest
Tattoo Metaverse

2 online


5 online

Ruang Imersive Cikgu Lokman
Tour Virtual UDLA
Virtual Classroom