Manager of Visit Japan Project with a passion for creative works including 3D space creation, photography, design, and calligraphy.Visit Japanプロジェクトのプロデューサー。3D空間制作、写真、デザイン、書道などメタバースを軸に活動しています。
Vaccine Parade 2024
Japan by Looty
Visit 響 Ambient Canvas(ひびき)
1 online
Galleria -Maro Dori in Tropical Forest-
Visit Japan Meta Stage vol.3 Innovative Women
Visit 葵 Horizon View Design Lab(あおい)
Visit 宮 Maro Dori Sky Palace(みや)
Visit Gallery 煌 Sky Temple(きらめき)
Visit New York Photography Gallery Vol.04 ニューヨーク
Visit 庵 Community House(いおり)
Visit Yokohama Photography Gallery Vol.03 横浜
Visit Paris Photography Gallery Vol.02 パリ
Visit Tokyo Photography Gallery Vol 1. 東京
Visit Hokkaido 北海道