Five Gallery (Switzerland)405 views6 loves

ARTƎCONOMY® is an artistic movement that combines art and economy, making economy and finance essential and fully integrated into the artwork itself, making the role of the artist superfluous. The idea comes from Five Gallery, Lugano, and it is a provocative response to the excessive emphasis on finance and economy in the contemporary art world. A series of artworks all identical but different at the same time... Art has always been provocation: ARTƎCONOMY® is the ultimate provocation.

Jailbreak Prison Run
Rainbow Obby

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Lofi Chill with Ari
King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Ouka Museum
Futura Hub - Renewable Energy Island
Staircase Lobby
Kasama The Awakening

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Corporate Office 2.0 by Thorium Labs
AB+L The Verse - Level 1

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Expo Comic Center / Marvel & DC Gallery
Buddy Blitz

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Berkeley Forest
School Run Driver

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Chatabix Chataworld


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MCM Wearable Casa
Wood Studio | Crystal Bridges